Foreign Trained Dentist · leadership · Life · Motivation

Professional gratitude

October is a month for gratitude. I didn’t know that. Technically, gratitude should be experienced daily, right? In any case, I was thinking about gratitude this morning and decided to write about it. Here are 5 things I’m truly grateful for in my career as a dentist. Moving to the United States To be fair,… Continue reading Professional gratitude

Healthcare- tech · leadership · Motivation · Startup

SamsoSmile: learning everyday!

What’s it like building a tech product for dentists? Fun, exciting, scary, or the biggest learning adventure you will be on? The answer: all of the above. Working on SamsoSmile has been one of the hardest yet most joyful things I’ve done in my professional career. The learning curve has been steep and I am… Continue reading SamsoSmile: learning everyday!


Being unapologetically YOU with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe

I initially met Jessica via the Creative Collective, a support group for women in health care. The group meets monthly, where we share our joys and struggles, side hustles and dreams. This inner circle of women has been fundamental to my growth over the past year alone. It is because of this group, that I… Continue reading Being unapologetically YOU with Dr. Jessica Metcalfe